We provide specialized system for each medical specialty, covering most of medical specialties.
Qualified customer service agents ready to help you anytime. Contact us by any of the following ways.
You can start using your system within 24 hours. No installation required.
Simple & user friendly module giving you full control on appointment management.
Electronic medical records are the answer for improving patient care.
Increased efficiency, improved service and reduced costs.
متوقعتش أبداً إن هيكون في برنامج مصري بالأداء ده .. واللي في رأيي الشخصي ; من أحسن البرامج في العالم مش في مصر بس وعمل نقلة كبييره جداً في تخزين البيانات واستدعائها من أي مكان , يكفي إنى كنت بيطلع عيني قبل كده لما أم تتابع معايا ابنها ونقعد نفتكر حالة الولد وابعتي صورة الروشتة , دلوقتي الحمد لله بضغطة زرار بجيب البيانات من أي مكان
I tried a software to manage my clinic but it didn't satisfy my whole needs. al3iada.net managed my appointments, finance & patients easily & has the option of managing remotely. What is very important is they are in continuous progress to more satisfaction and listen to doctors suggestions
كان عندي فعلا مشاكل كتير في تنظيم العيادة خصوصا في الحسابات و المستحقات .. سيستم " العيادة.نت" حللي كل حاجة .. شكرا ليكم
البرنامج في تطور مستمر , به كل الإمكانات التي تحتاجـــها العيــــــــادة ,حتى ما كان ينقصه في بدايـــــــــــــة التشـــــغيل منذ عــــــــــــــامين ونصف كالإحصــــــــــائيات الطبية عكف المطـــــــــــــــورون على تلــــــــبية كافـــــــــــــــــة الملاحظــــــــــــــــــات
برنامج مميز والفريق العاملون متعاون جدا, استطيع متابعة الفرعين من خلال الموبايل, يعمل عن طريق الانترنت, لا تحتاج لشبكه داخليه في العياده تربطك مع السكرتاريه, برنامج سلس جدا في الحجز والحسابات , روشته مطبوعة و تحاليل مطبوعة
Enable your clinic assistant to electronically record, modify and retrieve personal & demographic data including name ar/en, gender, age, address and mobile number.
DetailsUser friendly interface makes the conventional way of booking appointments...
DetailsAdvanced module provides an efficient and error-free process to capture all the billable services rendered for a patient,...
DetailsYou can monitor and control your clinic expenses, outstanding, income and net income for specific...
DetailsSpend less time spent in tracking down records and test results. With a few mouse clicks, doctors can quickly and simultaneously view medical examinations, diagnosis, treatment,...
DetailsE-prescribing gives providers an important tool to safely and efficiently manage patients' medications. Compared to paper prescriptions, e-prescribing improves medication safety, improved prescribing accuracy and...
DetailsSimple process to request investigations for your patients "lab - imaging - endoscopy - pathology" and give the print out request to your patient. Keep patients'...
DetailsDoctor can create and edit services provided by the clinic like examination / consultation / ultrasound and specifying each service fees.
DetailsIf you have many clinics branches, don't worry with our system you can manage unlimited clinic branches through only one system.
DetailsCreate different account (username & password) for all your staff members and specify each staff privileges.
DetailsGenerate various reports & charts regarding your patients' diagnosis ratio, prognosis, demographics. Quality reports including waiting time & examination time. Referral reports and building an active...